I've posted a countdown to my portfolio recently, it's inspired by Kojima's countdown timers, I really liked the general idea. This portfolio is for school, so when it launches it'll be full of stuff I did in the Amsterdam Media College, and personal stuff. Check it out:
Furthermore, I'm working on a few things:
This is a sidescrolling action game in the works by me and my musician Josh Miller. It's looking pretty cute so far. It stars a pilot cat named Flake, who needs to travel his world to deliver a message to the Palace! 8 diverse levels and 8 challenging bosses await! We're also planning a Co-Op mode and some other neat stuff. Sit tight.
Hi, I'm Joe
Cartoon currently on a bit of a hold. It stars Joe, a pretty good kid who's generally busy. He realises one day his best friend has moved houses, and he goes out to search for him. He meets fun animal friends and comes into creative situations! It's style is different then what I've done before.
Super Nuke Bros. Melee
Amazingly big game I'm currently doing the graphics, animation on, aswell as voice casting and directing. It's Smash Bros. for Flash, and it plays insanely true to Brawl. 17 characters and 10 stages finished so far. We're definately on a roll.
Oh - And I've also put some fun stuff on my sheezyart page
www.callumstamp.sheezyart.com (animation, music and artwork by me!)
Don't you like how I bold all important stuff?
- Callum