Kirbopher, Rina-Chan and me were on an interview on Sunday. It was extremely tiring for me because the world times suck and I had to be up at like 5. I in fact had 2 hours of sleep. But! Check out the interview because it'll really give you some insight in us awesome people and our projects, like BRAWL TAUNTS 3, GUNS OF THE AWESOME and GO! GO! PARODY RANGERS. You'll also be able to hear Kirb and my relations to Egoraptors work. We also talk Brawl and Smash in general and how much we hate the new Sonic game!
The podcast is RIGHT HERE! N48.mp3
So furthermore, I've been doing a little collab work, including the "I'm on a boat" Collab, featuring the Lonely Island song. It's already finished (In 1 day, fuck me) 548/
And ofcourse, I also have my own stuff going on, including my newest project called "Hi, I'm Joe" - an original project about a guy who loses track of his best friend and goes to search for him. It's going to be pretty much like your average Disney movie, but it's about 5 minutes long. There will be multiple episodes.
Oh - someone put my movie "Guns of the Awesome" on YouTube in HIGH DEFINITION ZOMG. I really hate people uploading my stuff there but watching it in HD on full screen so check it out. Be sure to press the HD button. 6c4s
What more? Not much really. Just go check out some of my stuff.
Awesome sauce