Maybe I phrased that wrong...
I can do tweening well too...
I would love to help...
Check out my new animated show "The Everydays" Everydays I also play guitar and sing in the rock band "Bounds Of Modesty". ndsOfModesty Furthermore I really enjoy pancakes and sundays.
Age 33, Male
Media College Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Joined on 8/25/04
Maybe I phrased that wrong...
I can do tweening well too...
I would love to help...
The gradients and textures really make it look like it's 3D, looks interesting!
Thank you. It's really something I never did before. This project has taught me so much so far.
I never played super smash bros before
but i think im gonna enjoy this
Holy crapsandwich you ARE
Hmm... very interesting but my animating skills are bull.
If you were to allow me to set up a script to make it an online game people can login to and fight like that I might be able to do it, depending on the complexity of the way you set up variables.
I'm making an online game right now. See a screen shot of my character creation/selection screen at <a href=""> st/300323</a>
I don't think you will allow me to do it though, considering the fact that I would have to look at all the variables and how there used.
And if they are used in to complex of a way, I might not be able to do it.
Oh snap I forgot to ask XD.
If you do consider my help I have a question...
Are you using as3, because I am sending over data using as3 because the Base64 class makes it a hell of a lot easier to send over larger amounts of data over the server.
Right now I'm using as3 and the Base64 class to make an object, give the object an array, fill up the array with stuff, write the object to a byte array, encode the byte array to string with base64, and send the string over the server.
Also, two last things.
1. I feel like as if I'm gonna continue to not have a reply.
2. I say that you should add a stick figure character for the sake of those poor stick figure fans out there.
I personally am one, thats what my first game is gonna be using.
Are you basically saying you know how to incorporate an Online Mode?
That depends if the way variables are set up are understandable for me.
Basically I would need to be able to send over the stats that you have for each player over the server and create a new movieclip that is used for the characters in the game, and have it gotoAndStop() to whatever frame is specified basically like
function onGameData(event:DataEvent) {
if (gameObjSent.array[0]=="playerConnect ") {
if (gameObjSent.array[1] {
} else {
user=new User();[1];
gameObjSent=new Object();
gameObjSent.array=new Array("playerWelcome",,playe,player.Type,player.Level,playe r.Exp,player.x,player.y);
gameBa = new ByteArray();
gameEncode=Base64.encodeByteArray(gam eBa);
I should of put this at the end of last post but I forgot.
But in other words, all and all, yes I can do it, in as2 or as3, but it would be more easy and less script needed for as3.
Also, if I were to do this, I don't want the server running it on my comp, because my game will consume enough as it is, unless I can make both games run on 1 server, but that might be difficult because I would have to do an annoying process of separating which data belongs to which.
Also, I'm not intending on giving your game a separate server because I can't do it period. It's just that comcast limits us to 250gb a month and I don't know what might happen if I run anymore than three.
So overall It would be a better Idea for you to have the server on your computer.
Or someone other than me basically.
I'm extremely interested in incorporating online play, and if your the person to get us there I'd happiliy invite you on board.
Ah I see you've been playing some Red Moon. Me too. :)
Daniel Sun has been my mentor for several years. I love every inch of work he does around these parts. Red Moon was totally amazing, I was in awe.
Hey d3vilsheep, are you asking me? Because if you are, no I have never even heard of Red Moon.
Awsome I'll send you a PM
In case you aren't already, using the bone tool in flash CS4 would seriously help your right now. Since you have all the limbs of the characters ready, just bone them all together and animate as much as you want, saves ALOT of time and results in smooth animation.
I use Flash 8, but Im really curious about how that works. Any examples?
Check this out:
<a href=""> 9/51525_Sergius.php</a>
Move with arrow keys, press space to punch.
All I did was draw each body part of this guy, boned and made him move in less than 5 minutes. The walk cycle I made may not be very good, but that's just me, using the bone tool is just like having a ragdoll that you can edit, move around and animate very easily. It would surely save tons of time on walk cycles, run cycles, grabs, jumps, etc... More complex stuff such as rolls may have to be done FBF.
Ah right! Well, right now I really manage not using the tool but it's definately a reminder for the future.
I have to agree, D-Sun is a really admirable artist, I love all of his work, you're lucky you had him as a mentor.
He still teaches me alot, and yes I've been really lucky. I try to hide his ACTUAL influence on my work but technically its all in there.
Who else would you need animated?
I cant tell, spoilers
awesome but...looks like awesome idea...good look
: D thankies
There are soooo many easter eggs in my part. Head over to my sheezyart to check my part alone, its easier to track the easter eggs. Just google my name.
Sorry for posting here again, but you told me not to pm you and I didn't see you on the messenger.
But right now I am almost done with my chat and will be done with it within the next week or two I think. I have been taking a small break from it(I just wanted a break), but I am getting right back to it tomorrow!
But I have a question about what you are intending to do with the online part I mentioned. I still have to say that I pretty much need to do it in as3. Otherwise, sending over stats and other things will become a real pain in the butt.
Alright. Well, I suppose we cold transfer the project over if online REALLY works. We'd have to make a little test run, 1 on one with Mario and Sonic, only one stage. Just to see how it works. Will chatting while fighting be an option?
Yea what he said!! looks so aswome!!
Thank you! Haha.
And callum is a lame name, are you lame callum?
By reputation, no.